About Us

Unlock Your Potential:

Transformative Conversations for Leaders, Teams, and Cultures

Ever wonder what holds a leader, team, or company culture back from realizing its full potential? More often than not, it’s the conversations they’re avoiding—the critical dialogues left unsaid. And the actions that then follow.Enter Invisible Edge. We specialize in illuminating the invisible, offering the tools necessary to embark on those courageous conversations that propel the needle forward toward growth and development. It’s about confronting the neglected and sidestepped discussions head-on that are weighing you down.Our unique approach empowers you to harness your emotional and intuitive intelligence, enabling you to navigate and decipher unspoken dynamics and transform them into inspired action. Reading the room becomes an art, anticipating the next move becomes second nature. This, in turn, paves the way for the creation of high-performing leaders, teams, and cultures.
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Join us at Invisible Edge and discover the power of fostering open, transformative conversations and inspired actions that propel you toward unparalleled success and development. Get aligned with your teams faster through being supported in the courageous conversations your organization is needing today.

One of the things we are most proud of in working with leaders and teams is how we hold ourselves accountable and support each other at Invisible Edge to be the best versions of ourselves personally and professionally. This commitment to our own growth path is how we effectively bring this to our clients. Walking the talk!

Rick Snyder


Check out our dynamic team

Rick Snyder

CEO and Executive Coach

Linda Newlin

HR Strategic Partner and Executive Coach

Denise Williams

Operations Manager

Cameron Karri

Creative and Digital Manager

André Braz Finageiv

Product Designer

Fiona Bhattacharya

Executive Coach

Louise Gilliland

Executive Coach

Mark Guay

Executive Coach

James Cruzen

Executive Coach

Af Malhotra

Trusted Advisor

Steve Seto

Trusted Advisor