Intuition in Action

Applying your inner guidance

Price - $99

Level up your intuitive skills

Learn how to effectively apply your intuition in a variety of everyday business scenarios, from negotiations to strategic planning and hiring decisions. Discover techniques to harness the power of directional, social, and informational intuition for optimal outcomes. Explore strategies to integrate the three “brains” of decision-making – head, heart, and gut – for a holistic approach that combines data and intuition. Through real-world examples and interactive exercises, you’ll develop the skills to tackle even the toughest decisions with confidence, making meaning from precepts and concepts. Unlock your full potential as an intuitive decision-maker in the business world.


Course Curriculum

Here’s a closer look at the modules in this course.

Module 1: Intuition In Action
We’ve learned a lot of theory, but now it’s time to start using your intuition!  After a brief review, Rick will discuss how to use your intuition in a variety of everyday business decisions.

Module 2: Applying The Three Dimensions Of Intuitive Decision-Making
This course will review how to use your directional, social and informational intuition to approach common business decisions such as negotiations, strategic planning and hiring/firing.

Module 3: Integrating The Three Brains Of Decision-Making
It’s important to use all three of your brains — head, heart and gut. Using an example, Rick discusses how to keep each of these perspectives in mind and how to combine the data for the best possible outcome.

Module 4: Integrating Data and Intuition For Better Decision-Making
In Intuition 304, Rick will dive deeper into precepts and concepts and how we make meaning.  This course also includes a great exercise that will help you tackle even your toughest decisions.

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$495 - save 55%

The full suite of intuition courses is designed for leaders and teams who are eager to enhance their team performance, sales expertise, and innovative thinking by tapping into the power of intuition for faster decision-making and strategic execution, providing an all-encompassing toolkit for personal and professional growth.

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