Intuitive Sales

The game-changer for conversations and conversions

Price - $99

Elevate your sales

Develop deeper client rapport by harnessing relational intuition and trust-building techniques. Learn to blend self-awareness with keen understanding of prospects’ needs, guided by an intuitive toolkit. Master authentic client leadership throughout the sales journey, from initial engagement to insightful closing. Implement post-sale best practices, celebrating successes and analyzing missed opportunities. Finally, elevate your sales leadership abilities by integrating intuitive navigation, social intelligence, and holistic decision-making strategies. With the tools in this course, you’ll leverage the power of your intuition to drive unparalleled sales mastery.

Course Curriculum

Here’s a closer look at the Intuitive Sales modules:

Module 1: Intuitive Sales

The relational component is the hardest part to teach in sales. That’s exactly what we’ll be focusing on as you will learn how to tune in to your prospects on a deeper level that allows you to build trust and stronger relationships.

Module 2: It Starts With You

This course will provide a solid foundation for the remaining courses in the Sales Track, focusing on knowing yourself, knowing your prospect and building your sales toolkit.

Module 3: The Engagement

Sales is about leadership. It’s your responsibility to lead a prospect through the sales process in a way that makes them feel that you’re listening to them and solving their problem.

Module 4: The Commitment

You’ve done the hard work of building a relationship with your prospect and creating an authentic connection. But don’t rush the close! Use your intuition to  make sure your prospect is ready before you do the ask.

Module 5: Post Engagement

Whether your prospect has said “yes” or “no” to your offer, there’s still work to do. If it was a “yes,” determine what went right so you can do it again. If the prospect declined, use your intuition to determine where you went off track.

Module 6: Sales Management

How sales are managed affects more than just the sales team; it has a profound effect on the entire organization. In this course, you’ll get a better sense of how to use your Navigator,  Vibe Detector and Integrator to thrive in sales management.

Get Full Access

$495 - save 55%

The full suite of intuition courses is designed for leaders and teams who are eager to enhance their team performance, sales expertise, and innovative thinking by tapping into the power of intuition for faster decision-making and strategic execution, providing an all-encompassing toolkit for personal and professional growth.

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